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Birthday - holiday desktop wallpaper

Birthday - the day of the year, was born in kotorыy Thoth or ynoy people.

Birthday Birthday Birthday
1600 X 1200
141 KB
1600 X 1200
163 KB
1600 X 1200
177 KB
Birthday Birthday Birthday
1600 X 1200
248 KB
1024 X 768
188 KB
1920 X 1200
269 KB

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In many cultures, taken to arrange for birthday parties and holiday gifts to give the person responsible. In addition, depending on the culture can be celebrated the birthdays of famous historical figures, such as Christmas Hristove.Odin of the most common birthday rituals - preparing a cake with candles on the number of years, which are performed by a birthday. Before cutting the cake, he blows out all the lit candles on the cake. The word most often used birthday to the person responsible holiday on his birthday. In fact, the birthday boy - not the one who has a birthday, and he who has name day. What is not the same thing.

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